Tag Archives: Bluegrass

Didmarton 2021 Announcement.

A message from the Didmarton Bluegrass Festival Committee.

It is with deep regret that following many weeks of planning and analysis, the DBF Committee have had to make the decision we all wanted to avoid and postpone our next festival until September 2022.

We have considered the uncertainties surrounding the government road map and the risks involved in proceeding, which could compromise both the high standards we have built for the festival and its long term future.

We have also given a lot of thought to the most important element of Didmarton Bluegrass Festival……our guests. Without you we have no festival and we would never want to put any of you at risk, or give you something less than you have come to expect.

The committee is now focused on Didmarton 2022 and the delivery of what we hope will be our best event ever. In the meantime, please keep watching our website and social media for updates and perhaps a few tempting treats before next year.

Take care, stay safe, look out for each other and keep on pickinโ€™.

DBF Committee.

Didmarton 2021 Update.

The Didmarton Bluegrass Festival Committee see the announcement yesterday as a very positive step towards being able to bring back our event for 2021.

There is a lot to digest and consider before we can make an informed decision on the prospect of a festival this year, but any decision the committee makes will be based first and foremost on your safety and the long term future of Didmarton Bluegrass Festival.

Fingers crossed for 3rd-5th September, at least we have a beginning and a glimmer of hope.

Stay Safe.

DBF Committee

Didmarton Bluegrass Online Festival!

Hello folks! ๐Ÿ˜€ As you know, Didmarton Bluegrass Festival 2020 cannot happen this year due to obvious reasons and we know you will be missing the festival next weekend as much as we all will be, so in an attempt to lessen the blow we are having a kind of virtual festival on Facebook instead. The current plan is for there to be a concert slot on Friday evening and two on Saturday, an afternoon and an evening session. These will consist of some live streaming music and video watch parties that we can all watch and have a virtual chat during. Some will just be individual songs, some full sets. There will more information about the virtual concerts during the week as we finalise the schedule and other fun posts you can get involved in, so watch this space.

We hope you will join us to mark the 32nd Didmarton weekend on our Facebook page and enjoy some wonderful music together, even if we can’t all be under one marquee roof this year.Roll on Friday and the Didmarton Bluegrass Online Festival! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿป

Didmarton 2019, It’s All Systems Go & News On Tickets!

Hello folks! You’ll be delighted to hear, after our first committee meeting of the year, that we can confirm Didmarton Bluegrass Festival 2019 will most definitely be held from 30th August to 1st September! It’s all systems go here at Didmarton Central, the website has been updated, you’ll see a new banner up on Facebook, lots of bands are being, or already have been, confirmed, traders are being sorted, stewards are being mustered and the whole committee and festival team are working feverishly to make sure the 31st Didmarton Bluegrass Festival is the best it can be! We know you’re all desperate for news so how about this, we’re freezing weekend ticket prices for another year! Yes, you read that right, your weekend ticket for 2019 will not cost you a penny more than it did in 2017 or 2018! Early Bird tickets will be on sale from April, so grab yourself a bargain and buy them early! As soon as we have more news we’ll make an announcement on here and the website, so please do keep checking. In the meantime, please share this page with all your friends, invite them along and start making plans for the 31st Didmarton Bluegrass Festival! ?